Business Strategy and Finance
Welcome to the Business Strategy and Finance Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, CFO, and content creator Steve Coughran. In each episode, you'll discover strategies for attracting more customers, boosting profitability, and increasing your company's value, all drawn from Steve’s extensive experience in turning around and growing companies from millions to billions in revenue. By blending strategic principles with essential financial fundamentals, Steve provides actionable insights to help you optimize and maximize the value of your business.
Business Strategy and Finance
95: Winning with Strategy - The Surprising Power of the 'F Word'
Why do smart, capable leaders struggle to execute strategy?
It all comes down to focus. In this episode, learn how to overcome distractions, tackle your biggest strategic problem, and drive real results. Discover the proven system Steve has used to turn around and grow businesses—without chasing the latest trends.
If you’re ready to simplify strategy, protect your team’s time, and build lasting value, this episode is a must-listen.
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(0:00) When it comes to this year, being laser focused on overcoming your number one strategic problem.
(0:07) If you just focus on that, then you'll be in a great spot.
(0:12) This podcast business strategy is about the lessons I learned while building
(0:15) coltivar.com and turning around and growing million and billion dollar companies.
(0:19) My hope is that you use these strategies to grow your business and someday soon
(0:23) partner with us to build a more profitable and iconic company. Please share and enjoy.
(0:30) The vast majority of business leaders that I work with, they're very smart, they're capable,
(0:35) they have skills, they have capital.
(0:42) So why do they struggle when it comes to setting a strategy
(0:42) and then executing on that strategy to drive higher firm value? And as I thought through
(0:48) this question that I'm posing to you, I realized that the number one thing, the commonality among
(0:55) all organizations that struggle to drive real results comes down to a lack of focus.
(1:01) Over the last few weeks, I've been doing strategy revisits with our clients where I go into the
(1:07) business, I look at their strategy, I make sure that the strategic problem that they defined before
(1:11) is still relevant. And then I also look at the initiatives moving forward to ensure they're
(1:17) focused on the right initiatives to help them to overcome their strategic problem.
(1:21) And during this process, I reiterated the same message to these clients that I'm going to
(1:27) reiterate to you. And that is, it's focus. It comes down to focus.
(1:32) So I was talking to a client
(1:32) just last week and I said, look, I believe in your team. I believe in your skills. I believe
(1:38) in your capabilities.
(1:44) And I know that you can be very successful. I said, the biggest concern I have
(1:44) is not all that stuff. It's just your ability to focus and stay disciplined on the things that
(1:51) matter the most.
(1:58) Because let's face it, in this world, there are so many distractions.
(1:58) There's so much information coming at us. And in fact, think about chat GBT.
(2:03) I think it just
(2:03) exacerbates this problem because there is so much information at our fingertips. If you have a
(2:09) question, you just type in a prompt in chat GBT, and it may respond with a page full of information.
(2:16) So it's just data on top of data, which creates a lot of confusion for a lot of leaders,
(2:22) and it could lead people astray.
(2:27) Years ago, I was working with a CEO and he was running a very large
(2:27) organization. And probably one of the biggest things that he struggled with was the flavor
(2:33) of the day syndrome. And his team was very aware of it.
(2:38) And they got super frustrated because
(2:38) the CEO would attend conferences, listen to podcasts, read books, talk with his friends,
(2:45) attend peer groups, and do all these things, which are great. But then he would come back to the
(2:50) office and he would change up the strategy all the time. There'd be a new approach.
(2:56) There'd be
(2:56) a new tagline. He had changed the mission, vision, values, initiatives would come and go. And it just
(3:03) created a ton of confusion for the organization.
(3:09) And guess what? They were underperforming in all
(3:09) areas of the company. So just think about it. If I were to start playing the piano right now,
(3:16) and I do it for six months, and then I switch over to the drums, and then I switch over to
(3:20) the violin next year, and then I switch over to the cello, whatever it is, and I do this constantly,
(3:26) guess what? I'm going to be terrible at playing any instrument because I don't focus.
(3:32) So instead,
(3:32) it's like, spend the next 10 years of your life practicing the piano every single day and then
(3:38) become proficient. And then when you become proficient at that, you can move on to the
(3:42) next thing. But I see CEOs, they try something and they don't get immediate results.
(3:49) And therefore, they think that it's flawed. And so they move on to the next thing. And the more they do this,
(3:54) the more they start over, the poorer the performance actually ends up being.
(3:58) So when it comes down to it, it's all about doing more first, doing better second, and then doing
(4:05) new third, in that order. So whatever you're doing right now, just do more of it, right? Unless
(4:11) you're totally off track, unless you have the wrong initiatives, then sure, you need to recalibrate.
(4:17) But oftentimes, it's just about doing more.
(4:21) And then you have to go out there and you have to do
(4:21) better, like optimize what you're doing. So you're going to do more, you're going to learn
(4:25) where the inefficiencies are, and then you'll optimize, do better, right? And make improvements,
(4:30) and then make new after the fact. But too many of us, and I struggle with the same thing,
(4:38) we chase the new, right? The shiny object, the sexy new flavor of the day, and then we'll do
(4:45) better.
(4:51) And then we do more in that order or some variation thereof, and it's terrible.
(4:51) So when it comes to strategy, strategy is all about focusing. That's what it's all about.
(4:57) So if you just get rid of all the academic explanations, if you get rid of all the
(5:02) frameworks, everything, and let's just say you had a boil strategy down to its most basic part,
(5:09) it comes down to focus. It's focusing your limited resources on solving the number one constraint,
(5:16) which I call the strategic problem in your business. That's what it comes down to.
(5:21) So you can get rid of all the fancy terminology. You can get rid of all the frameworks,
(5:25) like I'm saying, and just focus on that, just solving constraints by disproportionately
(5:32) allocating your resources towards that constraint, and you'll be highly successful,
(5:38) way more successful than somebody who reads the Harvard Business Review, or listens to a podcast,
(5:43) or reads the latest strategy book off the press and switches gears and tries an entirely new
(5:50) framework. So when it comes to Coltivar, like what we do, we don't sell prediction strategy.
(5:55) We don't go out there and say, hey, look, we have these data points. We have these industry reports.
(5:59) Look over here, try this, try that.
(6:05) Instead, what we do is we come in and we say, here's a system,
(6:05) here's a proven system for identifying your strategic problem, setting initiatives,
(6:10) actions, and results to drive firm value. And we do it over and over again.
(6:16) When I was a teenager, I was working for a sprinkler and landscaping company.
(6:21) So they
(6:21) would go out and install automatic sprinkler systems for homes, for residences, right? So
(6:26) they could water their lawns. And in order to get work, what we do is we'd have a box full of flyers
(6:32) and we would go roll them up and we'd put them on people's garages or at their front door. And we
(6:38) would litter these new neighborhoods with our flyers and they were on fluorescent paper.
(6:43) And
(6:43) they said, here, call us. And here's a coupon, et cetera. And our whole purpose was to drum up
(6:49) more work.
(6:56) So I remember we would go out there and we would pass out flyers for an entire day,
(6:56) right? We'd hand out flyers and, you know, it'd be a lot of walking, but it is fun. And we would
(7:01) do this when work was starting to get slow. But I remember we'd break up in teams and there was
(7:06) another team handing out flyers in the same day.
(7:11) And I remember catching up with them and like,
(7:11) yeah, you know, we just, we've been handing out flyers in these neighborhoods and, you know,
(7:16) we're just not getting super great responses. It's like, well, how many flyers did you hand out? And
(7:21) it's like, oh, we handed out like over a hundred flyers, like over a hundred flyers. You have to
(7:26) hand out thousands of flyers, right? Thousands of flyers.
(7:32) The same thing is true with companies
(7:32) that I work with when it comes to driving growth and getting new customers in their business.
(7:37) Let's just say they're doing it through cold outreach. You know, I was talking to a company,
(7:42) you know, just the other week.
(7:46) And it's like, yeah, you know, we're, we're sending out like
(7:46) 50 emails a week. I'm like 50 emails. You need to be sending out like 5,000 emails a week.
(7:51) So that's what I mean by doing more, right? And then optimizing, doing better and then doing new
(7:57) in that order. So check this out when it comes to strategy, when it comes to driving firm value
(8:03) in your organization, avoid the temptation to just switch and go after the new flavor of the day.
(8:11) Okay. I can tell you every time you start over, you have to start from scratch. You're starting
(8:16) from zero. And if you're learning a new framework every, you know, two to three, six months or
(8:21) every year, then it's going to be super confusing for your team.
(8:27) I have one approach,
(8:27) one system to strategy. I've been using it for over a decade to turn around and grow businesses.
(8:32) That's what I implement in organizations.
(8:37) And I just stick with it over and over and over again.
(8:37) And guess what? Over the years, I realized things that I could do better or parts of the process
(8:42) that create a little bit of confusion is a little complicated. And I'd make refinements, right?
(8:47) That's part of optimizing, but very rarely do I introduce a new concept into the framework,
(8:53) because if I do, it just slows me down.
(8:59) It slows down my team and it just creates massive confusion.
(8:59) So if you just focus on setting your strategic problem, identifying the one, two, three
(9:05) initiatives that are really going to move the needle, help you to overcome your strategic problem.
(9:10) And then you define the actions.
(9:16) Remember your actions are your hypotheses for how you can best
(9:16) drive forward your initiative and then set results, right? To measure the advancement
(9:20) of your initiatives. If you just do that over and over again, I promise you, you'll see so
(9:27) much more success than if you just chase the new and shiny object. So focus, that's what it comes
(9:33) down to.
(9:38) I'll just share one more analogy with you before signing off. Think about like that
(9:38) mad professor, that inventor, right? That has crazy hair, right? They're all disheveled.
(9:43) Their shirt's like half untucked.
(9:47) Maybe their buttons don't even align on their shirt.
(9:47) They're a total mess. They don't match.
(9:51) And they accidentally like put their cat in the
(9:51) microwave before heading off to work because their mind was so focused on the research that
(9:57) they're conducting or the invention that they're trying to bring about that everything else is just
(10:04) like a distraction to them. It doesn't even exist. So when it comes to this year, like being laser
(10:10) focused on overcoming your number one strategic problem and the unit economics of your business,
(10:18) like the value drivers of your business, if you could just do that, you're like, hey, these are
(10:22) the three things we're focusing on.
(10:27) These are the three value drivers. And here's the number one
(10:27) problem we're going to solve. Like if you just do that with your team and be that mad scientist,
(10:33) who's like, I don't, what? Oh, I didn't even know that my shirt was untucked.
(10:37) I didn't even know
(10:37) that my pants weren't matching or that I'm even wearing pants or not wearing pants. Oh my gosh.
(10:42) But if you just focus on that and stay disciplined in everything else is a distraction and you can
(10:49) say no to it, then you'll be in a great spot.
(10:56) And that's what good CEOs do. CEOs say no to other
(10:56) things. And more importantly, CEOs protect the time of their employees, right? So they'll go
(11:03) to their employees and say, Hey, what are you working on? Nope.
(11:08) Get rid of A and C and E because
(11:08) those aren't important. Just eliminate them. And if you do that and you protect the time of your
(11:13) employees, guess what? You're going to build higher morale, more engagement because now all of a sudden
(11:18) employees are like, yeah, my CEO has my back and they're not going to constantly just add more and
(11:24) more and more and more stuff to my plate.
(11:30) Right? So that's really important because so many CEOs,
(11:30) they waste the time of their employees and then it creates distrust and lower engagement. But if
(11:37) as the CEO, if you just say, Hey, actually, you know, that project that you're working on,
(11:41) eliminate it. And they're like, what? Eliminate it.
(11:46) It's like, yeah, eliminate it because I want
(11:46) you focused over here. So I'm not saying when it comes to doing more work, you just overload
(11:52) your employees with more and more and more tasks. Instead, when I say more, like doing more better
(11:58) and then new in that order, what I'm referring to is focusing on just a few items, like a few actions
(12:07) that are really going to move the needle and just do more volume.
(12:12) So you get more reps in, you can
(12:12) learn. It's not like you go to the gym and you're like, yeah, you know, I did three reps, three curls,
(12:17) and now my biceps are bulging. No, you got to get in there and do the reps.
(12:21) You have to do like three
(12:21) sets of 10 or four sets of 10. You have to like put in the reps and the same thing is true in
(12:25) business. That's what's on my heart today.
(12:31) That's what I want to leave you with is focus because
(12:31) like I said, it makes all the difference in the world when it comes to strategy and that's what
(12:35) strategy comes down to. It's all about focus. All right.
(12:39) Have a great week. If you need help
(12:39) with any of this, please be sure to reach out at Coltivar.com. Cheers.