Business Strategy and Finance
Welcome to the Business Strategy and Finance Podcast, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, CFO, and content creator Steve Coughran. In each episode, you'll discover strategies for attracting more customers, boosting profitability, and increasing your company's value, all drawn from Steve’s extensive experience in turning around and growing companies from millions to billions in revenue. By blending strategic principles with essential financial fundamentals, Steve provides actionable insights to help you optimize and maximize the value of your business.
Business Strategy and Finance
101: A Resource to Help You with Strategy and Cash Flow
Most entrepreneurs chase growth, but what if scaling too fast is the very thing that takes your business down?
In this episode, Steve unpacks the fundamental flaw that causes even promising companies to fail—and it has nothing to do with bad ideas, weak teams, or lack of vision. It all comes down to one essential financial principle that separates thriving businesses from those that burn out.
Ignore it, and you risk losing everything.
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(0:00) That's why finance and strategy have to be interwoven.
(0:04) How bad would it be to see your business grow
(0:06) and hire new employees and expand operations
(0:09) only to go bust?
(0:11) This is Business Strategy, where I help the ambitious
(0:13) to build more profitable, iconic companies
(0:15) using the principles I've learned
(0:17) while growing and turning around
(0:18) million and billion dollar companies
(0:20) through Coltivar.com.
(0:21) I hope you share and enjoy.
(0:24) What makes a great company?
(0:27) I wanna hear your thoughts on this,
(0:28) so be sure to leave your comments
(0:29) or you could always reach out at Coltivar.com
(0:32) because when it comes to building a great company,
(0:35) this is what I believe from my experience.
(0:37) You can have a great culture.
(0:40) You can have a great team.
(0:41) You can have a great mission or purpose.
(0:44) All that stuff is important, but guess what?
(0:46) At the end of the day,
(0:48) if your company doesn't produce cashflow,
(0:51) it's not gonna be around for the long term.
(0:54) Sure, you may be a tech company.
(0:56) Sure, you may be a startup business.
(0:57) You just raised a bunch of capital
(0:59) and it's like, wow, congratulations.
(1:01) We're so excited because investors
(1:03) just gave us a bunch of, quote, debt.
(1:05) And you can use this money to go drive growth,
(1:09) get customers, get likes, whatever the vanity metrics are
(1:12) that you may be pursuing, but at the end of the day,
(1:15) if your company does not produce cashflow,
(1:19) guess what?
(1:19) Your investors will grow impatient.
(1:21) You will dilute yourself to the point
(1:23) where your company's not even gonna be attractive
(1:25) running anymore because you have such a small sliver
(1:28) of ownership or you're just gonna fail to remain viable
(1:32) because you won't have the cashflow
(1:33) to cover the losses in your business.
(1:36) So it comes down to cashflow.
(1:38) So that's what I've been thinking about a lot lately,
(1:41) especially as I reflect on my life
(1:43) and I'm 45 years old and I'm like,
(1:45) okay, I want to be as impactful as I can
(1:49) out there in the world.
(1:50) I wanna help people and I wanna be more efficient
(1:52) at helping people.
(1:53) And during this self-reflection time,
(1:56) I just always kept coming back to cashflow
(1:59) because the businesses that struggled the most,
(2:02) like when I go into companies to turn them around,
(2:05) they're struggling because they don't have cashflow.
(2:08) Sure, they need a strong culture.
(2:11) Sure, they need to have a great brand
(2:13) and all these other things that contribute
(2:16) to the value of the business.
(2:18) But if the company doesn't have a strategy in place
(2:20) which allows it to operate in a way
(2:23) where it can produce cashflow at a rate
(2:26) that exceeds its cost of investment,
(2:29) its cost of capital, right?
(2:31) If it's not earning returns, in other words,
(2:33) on its investment that exceeds the cost of capital,
(2:37) the business will be destroying value.
(2:40) And it all comes down to cashflow.
(2:42) So think about every single asset out there,
(2:43) a stock, a piece of real estate,
(2:46) whatever it may be, a bond, it's all based on cashflow.
(2:52) That's where value is derived from.
(2:55) So I just don't wanna lose focus on that.
(2:58) And that's why today I'm excited to introduce
(3:00) this new book that I just wrote.
(3:03) It's called Cashflow.
(3:05) And guess what?
(3:05) You can get it for free at Coltivar.com.
(3:08) All you have to do is cover the shipping, right?
(3:10) I can't go into the hole even more
(3:12) by giving away this book.
(3:13) I'm already gonna cover the cost of printing
(3:16) because to me, it's not about making money on the book.
(3:20) It's more about educating people
(3:22) on how to build great companies
(3:25) that endure in tough economies
(3:27) and thrive in booming ones, right?
(3:30) So that's the name of the book.
(3:32) Like I said, you can get it for free at Coltivar.com.
(3:35) But that's what I wanted to talk about today is cashflow.
(3:38) I see so many CEOs and their teams
(3:42) get distracted by all these other things.
(3:46) They get so focused on revenue or growth.
(3:49) But if that growth is not producing a return
(3:51) on invested capital that exceeds the cost of capital,
(3:55) guess what?
(3:55) The growth is destructive.
(3:57) I've seen so many businesses try to grow faster
(4:01) than their returns on invested capital.
(4:03) And guess what?
(4:04) If they don't go out there and raise the necessary capital
(4:07) to cover this growth, this ineffective growth,
(4:11) they go bust.
(4:12) I was working with a business years ago
(4:15) and I built this model.
(4:16) It's a pretty cool financial model, not to brag.
(4:18) And I'd only say that it's a cool model
(4:20) because I'm a nerd.
(4:21) Who else is gonna talk about a financial model like that
(4:24) but me?
(4:25) But no, I built this financial model and it's really cool.
(4:28) And I sat down with the CEO
(4:29) and he had some pretty ambitious plans to grow the business.
(4:32) And when I showed him that his percentage of growth
(4:35) exceeded his cost of capital
(4:37) and how that would constrain the business,
(4:40) like his eyes got really big and they opened up.
(4:43) And he realized that without combining a strategy
(4:47) back to finance,
(4:48) he could have easily made his business go bust.
(4:51) So let me explain.
(4:52) Your return on invested capital times one
(4:55) minus your payout ratio.
(4:58) And your payout ratio is essentially
(5:00) how much are you taking in distributions and dividends
(5:04) divided by your net operating profit after tax.
(5:06) That ratio of what you're taking out of the business
(5:09) will tell you how fast you can grow.
(5:13) So let's just say that your return on invested capital
(5:17) is 15% and your payout ratio is 10%,
(5:22) meaning you pay out 10% of your profits.
(5:25) Well, if you just plug in that formula,
(5:27) return on invested capital, 15% times one
(5:31) minus that 10%, that payout ratio,
(5:33) that gives you 90%.
(5:35) So 15% times 90% is 13.5%.
(5:39) I know it's a lot of math there,
(5:40) especially over a podcast,
(5:42) but the point is is that 13.5% is your max growth rate
(5:47) without raising additional capital, okay?
(5:52) And that's really critical to understand
(5:54) and it ties back to cashflow
(5:55) because if you try to grow at 30%
(5:57) and you don't have other sources of capital,
(6:00) you will grow yourself out of business.
(6:02) And that would be terrible, right?
(6:04) Like how bad would it be to see your business grow
(6:07) and hire new employees and expand operations
(6:10) only to go bust?
(6:12) So I don't want that to happen to you.
(6:13) That's why finance and strategy have to be interwoven.
(6:17) And like I said, I'm excited about this book, right?
(6:20) There's nothing in it for me
(6:21) because I'm giving it away for free right now
(6:24) as of the recording of this episode.
(6:26) So if you go to coltivar.com, you can get it for free.
(6:28) Like I said, you just have to cover the shipping cost,
(6:31) the handling, right?
(6:32) Now, if you're listening to this later on
(6:34) and you go to the website and it's no longer free,
(6:38) well, like I may change my mind in the future.
(6:40) But right now, this is the offer.
(6:42) And later on, yeah, if it goes away,
(6:45) hey, sorry, that's your loss.
(6:46) No, I'm just kidding.
(6:48) No, but seriously, now's the time to get it.
(6:49) I want you to be successful in your company.
(6:51) So be sure to check it out.
(6:52) It's an easy read.
(6:53) I even have some hand-drawn pictures
(6:55) that will entertain you
(6:57) and will prove why I didn't become an artist instead,
(7:01) why I should stick to finance.
(7:02) Anyways, I hope you enjoy the reading
(7:05) and thanks for joining me for this episode.
(7:07) And until next time, take care of yourself.
(7:09) Cheers.